Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ideas that Changed the World

Ferris, J., & DK Publishing, Inc. (2010). Ideas that changed the world. London: DK.
This is a really cool book!  It is separated into six categories: genius, great gizmos, handy gadgets, on the move, explore, and culture.  Under each category are double-page spreads of an idea with beautiful pictures (It is DK, after all!) and interesting tidbits of information.  The year and person responsible are included for each idea.  For many of them, the idea is explored from the past, present, and into the future. 
I had this book on my desk at school for over a week, and I had several kids who would fight over it.  I had to have them pick a number between one and ten every day, or take turns with it.  They were really ready for me to turn it in so they could have it!  I love DK books, and this is no exception.

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