Thursday, July 28, 2011

Daddy's Roommate

Willhoite, M. (1990). Daddy's roommate. Boston, Mass: Alyson Wonderland.
This is a short picture book about a boy whose parents divorce and Daddy has a "roommate" who is his partner.  It's really pretty benign, I thought - it shows the boy visiting Daddy's house, and they do all the things that other families do - eat, play, shave, read stories, and go to parks.  The only difference is that there are two men at one house, instead of a man and a woman.  The mom seems to be okay with the situation, and tells her son that "being gay is just one more kind of love, and love is the best kind of happiness."  Personally, I thought it was a sweet book, but I guess if the reader is against homosexuality, they would have a problem with it being portrayed in a positive light.  I didn't see the big deal.  I live in a really conservative community, but even here we have gay parents of students, and my son's soccer coaches last season were partners.  This just reflects the world we live in.

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